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10 Organic and Guerrilla Marketing Tactics for Promoting a Self-Storage Business

By Garrett Byrd

I was recently commissioned by Inside Self Storage to write an article on organic and guerilla marketing for your self-storage business.

If you are serious about self-storage or just want to learn more about the industry, I highly recommend you order the Inside Self-Storage magazine today!

In the digital world we now live in you need to have a well-executed ground game when it comes to your self-storage marketing plan. If you are solely relying on your digital advertising spend, consider yourself a commodity competing on price.

There are many traditional marketing methods that can help a self-storage business gain

visibility and build its brand. However, paid advertising can be costly, and your return on investment depends on the number and quality of leads you’re able to generate and convert. The figures don’t always add up.

Thankfully, there are inexpensive, strategic ways to accomplish the same marketing objectives for less money. Let’s look at 10 organic and guerrilla tactics that work well in the self-storage industry.

1. Marketing Calendar

An annual marketing calendar is invaluable and the lifeblood of your self-storage promotional plan. Once you’ve created it, you can see tasks days, weeks and even months in advance. It’ll help you stay on schedule and on target. Here are some items you might consider adding to the calendar for January, for example:

  • Add new customer names/emails and other contacts to the monthly newsletter list.

  • Send out newsletter. Possible theme: Free unit for fire victims, plus stop by and say hello for a free 2023 winter handout.

  • Distribute winter handouts (ice scrapers) off site, December through February.

  • Deliver a flier promoting the “free unit for fire victims” to the fire department, town hall and other applicable locations. Promote on Facebook.

  • Update your local-business email/contact lists for companies such as movers, campgrounds, realtors, apartments, etc.

  • Make an office YouTube video.

  • Call and visit realtors to get their emails for the facility newsletter.

  • Review the company website for any corrections/approvals.

  • Buy Valentine’s Day office decorations. Put them up the last week of January.

  • Prepare and promote a Valentine’s Day contest, such as guessing the correct number of candies in a jar to win a $30 prize. Start the contest on Jan. 20.

  • Put out lawn signs, the open flag and the sandwich board daily, weather permitting. Remember to change signs and the sandwich board weekly.

  • Check lawn signs for wear and tear, and order new ones as needed.

To review the remaining nine strategies click below:

If you would like to learn more and start your journey to self-storage ownership click the link here:

Storage Authority Franchising is about owning your own hometown self-storage business and having the professional systems and knowledge to assist and guide you. We like to say You are in business for yourself but not by yourself. If you are thinking about self-storage you owe it to yourself to contact Garrett Byrd at Direct: 941-928-1354 or

to learn more about the Storage Authority Franchise opportunity


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