by Marc Goodin
Storage Authority Site Plan Designs and Regulatory Reviews often go much faster than the typical reviews because we make sure both the design proposals are comprehensive and the final plans are complete before submission to the city. And the real bonus is we work hard to make sure the plans include the extra items to make your site a premium facility.

Here are some of the items required for site plan approvals.
Boundary, topography, wetlands, flood limits, and existing condition base mapping.
Layout plans
Phasing plans
Grading and stormwater collection plans
Utility plans
Erosion and Sedimentation Control plans
Landscape plans
Site lighting photometric plans
Stormwater detention design and plans
Storm Water pollution prevention plans and stormwater quality control design and plans.
Misc. construction notes and details
Building elevations & floor plans (Sometimes site renderings are required)
Traffic report – Sometimes a letter outlining the maximum peak hour traffic and total daily trips based on the self-storage size is sufficient.
Driveway sight line plans.
Site signage
Soil testing for stormwater detention and water quality designs or
Soil testing for the septic system, if an on-site septic system is proposed.
Borings and Geotech report for site building foundation design & driveway designs.
State file review to confirm no endangered species are located on the site.
Written Construction Specifications in addition to the site plans.
Every jurisdiction is different, and their regulations and standards must be reviewed in detail prior to the start of the design.
Typical Site Plan Applications that should be included in the civil engineer's proposal.
Various Site Plan, Zoning & Development applications
Inland wetland applications
Erosion & Sedimentation Control and environmental permits
State Dept. of Transportation Applications – if on or impacts a state road.
State Department of Environmental Protection permits
Various utility applications
Sign permits
Fire department application.
Health dept. review
The final design plans, list of applications, reports, etc. should be determined with your engineers and other professionals early in the process. Your civil engineer should provide you with a list that includes the sequence of approvals and estimated time frames for approvals.
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Marc Goodin is the President of Storage Authority Franchising. He owns 3 self-storages he designed, built, and manages. He has been helping others in the self-storage industry for over 25 years. He can be reached at or directly at 860-830-6764 to answer your franchising, development, marketing, sales, and operations questions. His best selling self storage books are available on Amazon.