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Chapter 3 Start Today!

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

Chapter 3

Start Today!

Thirteen things you can to do this week to get off to a fast start.

  1. Do a personal review to make sure you have sufficient time, energy and money to get off to a great start. After you read this book you will have a much better idea of the time, money and work it takes to build a self storage.

  2. Join your local State Self Storage Association and attend meetings.

  3. Subscribe to one or two Self Storage trade magazines: or

  4. Read the Zoning and Wetland regulations from the Town(s) you may purchase land in. Often they can be found online for free. Meet with the Town Engineer and Planner to discuss the permitting process for a self storage facility, where in Town they are permitted and the zoning regulations on self storage development.

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  1. Find a commercial realtor to help you with your search for land.

  2. Meet with your banker and ask about self storage loans.

  3. Meet with a local civil engineer to get rough time frames and costs for site plan design and approvals.

  4. Stop at every self storage you pass by and talk to the owners. Let them know you are thinking about starting your own self storage. Some owners will be reluctant to say much but many will be happy to give you tons of useful information.

  5. Join our LinkedIn group “Marketing Self Storage” for great marketing ideas and a forum where you can ask any questions you may have. Feel free to ask any questions you have too.

  6. Order your free developers “getting started packet” from a premier self storage building manufacturer.

  7. Start a business plan folder today. A lot of the information you accumulate over the next several weeks will be used to prepare your business plan.  Your business plan will help you understand the costs, planning, work and risks associated with your new project.  When you apply for your loan the submission of a well prepared business plan will let the bank know you understand the self storage business and are well prepared. This can often help the bank make a positive decision in less time and often with better terms.

  8. Check out the fastest and most profitable way to get started in self storage  Don’t forget to read the blog for tons of great info you will need to build & market your self storage.

  9. Email me at when you have 3 of the above items completed for a free 1/2-hour phone consultation for faster profits.

You be amazed how quickly you start learning valuable information.

For the three self storage facilities that I built and presently own it took aprox. 1.5 years from when I initially decided (before I found the land) to finish building a facility.  The longest period of time for me was making the decision to build.  The rest went by quickly.  After you make the concrete decision to build self storage you have to find a piece of land that fits your needs, and negotiate an option to buy. If you already have a piece of land under consideration you are already off to a fast start. Then, your engineer has to design the project and get approval from the local municipal boards. After the regulatory approvals you have to do more detailed designs. Next, you have to choose a contractor(s) and, of course, you than have to build the facility. The more realistic you are about your time schedule the better prepared you will be, and certainly it will be a lot less stressful.

Need help – send me an email


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