Now is one of the best times ever to join the self-storage industry. I hope you have a minute to read a little about my self storage story and Storage Authority. I became a self storage expert by learning in the trenches. As a professional engineer I designed my first self storage over 30 years ago and many more since then, including 3 personal self storages I designed, built, own and manage.

GP & I relaxing on the concrete slab of one of our self storage buildings.
I have helped many people get started in Self Storage. Quickly I learned everyone was asking the same questions over and over so I wrote a couple of self storage books, to help with some of the common questions and sold thousands. But only 1 in over a thousand readers ever got started. For most there were too many unknowns.

My book covers many of the basics but there is nothing compared to having Storage Authority on your Team.
One day a hotel franchise expert, Scott House, gave me a call. He had searched everywhere to find someone to help his hotel and apartment clients get started in self storage, where they would make much better returns. He could not find anyone until he read my books and decided to call me. I agreed to help. After about 2 months he was amazed at how complex it was to get started and how each project is both similar and unique and suggested we develop a self storage franchise. And Storage Authority Franchising was created, the only self storage franchise in the US. Scott got so excited about self storage and Storage Authority that he is presently building his first personal self storage in FL

This is the first draft elevation of Scotts office. The place is going to be beautiful.
Getting started with Storage Authority is easy and the best way to ensure your success in the self-storage industry. You will benefit from our many years’ of experience as we advise and assist you in all phases of self storage ownership, from land acquisition, design, construction, marketing, operations, sales and on-going support. We not only eliminate the need for a costly learning curve but provide your business with the latest technology, operating systems, marketing strategies and ongoing training that will not only allow you to compete in your market but dominate!
Many franchisees want to take advantage of additional profits by building their own self storage vs. buying an existing self storage. This route also allows many new franchisees to get started with $400K liquid cash equity, less than half the typical cash capital investment.
It is a complex maze between finding the right parcel of land, banking, design, obtaining regulatory approvals, construction, and pre-opening marketing and preparations with minefields, delays and cost overruns at every turn. Storage Authority is the Solution. We have learned self storage in the trenches and are ready to help you jump over the minefields.

You don’t want to be feeling like this guy! And that is why we have your covered!
We have created the Storage Authority proprietary “Dynamic Ease Development Series” Finding Land Through Pre-Opening Tasks. This step by step process along with our one on one expert guidance helps our franchisees throughout the land discovery and development phases, get started faster, go around the minefields, save money and be ready to open with a modern, premium facility with clients at the door waiting to move in day one.
We look forward to explaining more about how this optional premium development service will help you build your state of the art facility for less money and in less time, with confidence. The great news is we are waiving the $50,000 fee for this premium service for franchises awarded in the next 2 months.
I would love to sit down over a cup of coffee and tell you the rest of the story. Send me an email and I would be delighted to meet you in Sarasota FL
To Your Success!
Marc Goodin
Ps Don’t forget to sign up for our free news letter on our website. Every month you get the latest Self Storage news and tips you can use.