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Stock market vs Self Storage. all signs but one point to self storage!

by Marc Goodin, CEO of Storage Authority Franchise

Investing in Self Storage vs Stock Market – All signs but one point to self storage!

by Marc Goodin, CEO of Storage Authority Franchise

The average Storage Authority Franchise owner typically is in one of these 5 categories:

1) A Stock market investor looking for much better returns.

2) A busy professional who wants to develop a significant retirement income.

3) An ex-business owner who sold their business who looking for a business they can own with employees and much fewer hours – “residual income”

4) A real estate investor (full-time or part-time) looking to reduce work and headaches and go to the next level.

5) A go-getter who has a financial partner.

Today we will compare self-storage ownership to Investing in the stock market to help determine which is the best for you.

Life is hard.  Why not make a life-changing income and nest egg for you and the next generation?
Life is hard. Why not make a life-changing income and nest egg for you and the next generation?

Stock Market                                 Self Storage


You control the business/rewards:               X                                                          ✓ Yes

Rewarded for your efforts:                              X                                                          ✓ Yes

Success in other people’s hands:                Yes                                                              No

5 x your cash investment in 5 +- years:      X – next to never                           ✓Yes

Use other people’s money- leverage:         X – terrible idea                             ✓Yes

*Makes more multi-millionaires                    X                                                              ✓ Yes

Historic returns of over 15%/year                  X                                                              ✓ Yes

Recession resistant                                          X                                                               ✓ Yes

Appreciation + Deprecation + Cash flow  X                                                                ✓Yes

401K funds option                                           ✓Yes                                                     ✓Yes

Takes work                                                         No                                                               Yes


*Real estate makes more millionaires than any other investors.

Unfortunately, the average stock market investor makes nowhere near the stock market index averages of 8 – 10%.  The average investor makes closer to 2%/year.  Studies show when the stock market goes up investors put in more money. And when it goes down pull they take money out. This is like running to the mall every time the price of something goes up and then returning the merchandise when it is on sale.  The market average is based upon being in the market for the long haul of 10 to 20 years. Most investors own a stock less than 6 months before they trade out – a losing game.

Chart showing the average time of stock ownership.
Now the average investor holds a stock for 6 months


If self-storage is so good why isn’t everyone developing self-storage?  There are 3 reasons:


1) It is just hard enough.  Most people are not willing to put in the 8 hours a week it takes to be successful.

2)  Most people do not have the $1.5MM cash investment it takes to build an 80,000 SF (the size of a Walmart) that will provide a great six-figure cash flow income and a multimillion-dollar nest egg.

3) Fear stops many people.  But if they take the time to understand they do not have to do it on their own and; It takes teamwork, mentorship, and deal flow, fear is quickly eliminated.


Are you ready to consider the best real estate investment?

Are you ready to save time, money and make more profits?

Let’s set a time to talk this week.

Only you can change your future.  But we can help.
Only you can change your future. But we can help.




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