By Marc Goodin
Without passion, it is hard to have an exceptional life. Passion attracts success and happiness in many ways. At the end of this short blog, you will further see the connection between passion and happiness.
My passions: Self-storage, reading, and outdoor activities (walking, fires, fishing, gardening, camping, building stuff)
Why Self Storage?
I am 63 and retirement is not on my list of things to do. And maybe never will be. I am not the sit around and relax type of person. Self-storage is like being on a holiday for me. It’s fun to take a blank canvas and turn it into an exceptional self-storage business. Not many people really know how to do this. It is even more fun to help others build their own self-storage and even more rewarding to see their dreams come true.

And self-storage pays well. The best way to never run out of money that I know of is to have a self-storage business that pays you a residual payment month after month that increases year after year. And after a few years, the money is more than you can spend so you are building a family generational legacy. It's fun to know you will never run out of money no matter how long you live.
For me, reading is a good way to wind down at the end of the day and learn more about the rest of the world, marketing. My favorite books are motivational books and new-age self-improvement books. Do you have any suggestions for me to read? One of my favorite books is The Secret by Rhonda Byne.

I am presently reading All the TIME in THE World by Lisa Broderick The theme is: Learn to control your experience of time to live a life without limitations. Still trying to really grasp the full concept that time never runs out, but for sure it is helping me appreciate time in a different way.
I love the outdoors, it helps me relax, stay stress-free and see the real beauty of the world. In the winter we have a condo on the beach in FL where we take a beach walk daily and watch the sunsets. All summer long we camp in our 5th wheel on the beach way up north, watch the sunset, and have a fire nightly. And then we live in our cabin on the river for much of the spring and fall where fishing, fires, walking, and gardening are part of the fun. And in between for a month or two, we have our house that leads to walking trails and the woods to search out Chaka.

I walk 10,000 steps every day to enjoy the outdoors and stay fit. Yesterday I walked 5 miles on a section of the local 4-wheeler trails. I mean on average 10,000 steps - few people are that committed haha

I even like to mow the lawn. I sat on our new mower when it is delivered last month but have not had a chance to use it yet. The kids have been mowing the lawn and suggested it might be better if I don’t mow. I have been known to hit rocks and trees a time or two.
What are YOUR passions?
And do you have a vehicle that allows for you to enjoy your passions whenever you want? And if not would you be excited to work hard now to have your dreams in the future? The next five years are going to go by fast either way
Why not put in the effort? If you want to know the kind of effort it is going to take to get into the self-storage business send me an email at with effort in the subject line. And I will email you what it takes.

Happy is hanging out with GP at our cottage on the river we actually built over 3 summers.
And catching trout, even if most are too small to eat
I used to say happiness is:
Someone to love.
Something to do
Something to look forward to
Now but I have learned life is even better if you add one more ingredient:
Someone to love.
Something to do
Something to look forward to
And the time and cash to support all of the above
It’s hard to find these things without passion. So, I ask again what are your passions?
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Marc Goodin is President of Storage Authority Franchising. He owns 3 self storages he designed, built and manages. He has been helping others in the self storage industry for over 25 years. He can be reached at or directly at 860-830-6764 to answer your franchising, development, marketing, sales and operations questions. His best selling self storage books are available on amazon.